City Hall
Originally designed forRødovre Town Hall
The City Hall clock demonstrates the trend towards simplified form and taut minimalism that characterized Arne Jacobsen's aesthetics during the 1950s.

Arne Jacobsen designed the City Hall clock as part of the elaborate total design he created for Rødovre Town Hall. The minimalist clock design, which is without numerals, reflects the precise and stringent aesthetic of the architecture.
During his six decades long career, Arne Jacobsen not only designed buildings and furniture but also a wide range of graphic designs. Many of the typefaces, patterns, posters and clocks created by Arne Jacobsen were designed for specific architecture projects, where every single detail was carefully worked out and adapted to the larger whole. The City Hall clock helped create an atmosphere of modernity and rationality at Rødovre Town Hall until it was put into production a few years after the project’s completion.

This simplification of form reached a preliminary culmination in 1956 with the realization of Rødovre Town Hall, which Arne Jacobsen designed as two clear-cut boxes clad with Solvåg marble and glazed curtain-wall exteriors. The City Hall clock demonstrates the same trend towards simplified form and taut minimalism.
The movement towards minimalism and abstraction is a consistent aspect of the development of Arne Jacobsen’s aesthetic over the course of the 1950s. This simplification of form reached a preliminary culmination in 1956 with the realization of Rødovre Town Hall, which Arne Jacobsen designed as two clear-cut boxes clad with Solvåg marble and glazed curtain-wall exteriors. The City Hall clock demonstrates the same trend towards simplified form and taut minimalism. By replacing the numerals with simple lines Arne Jacobsen achieved the stringent, precise expression that has made City Hall an iconic and eternally modern clock design.
Sources: Arne Jacobsen Design Archives. / Arne Jacobsen’s scrapbooks. The Royal Library – Danish Art Library. / Stenum Poulsen, K., Skaarup Larsen, A., & Staunsager, S. (2020). Arne Jacobsen – Designing Denmark. Kolding: Trapholt. / Thau, C., & Vindum, K. (1998). Arne Jacobsen. Copenhagen: Danish Architectural Press. / Tøjner, P. E., & Vindum, K. (1994). Arne Jacobsen: arkitekt & designer. Copenhagen: Dansk Design Center.