The collaboration between Arne Jacobsen and Fritz Hansen is one of the most significant and famous partnerships in Danish design history. It began as early as during the 1930s, when Fritz Hansen produced Arne Jacobsen’s functionalist furniture designs for Bellevue Theatre, among other projects. At this time, Fritz Hansen’s main focus was on furniture in moulded wood and tubular steel, based on German inspiration, which is also reflected in the designs Fritz Hansen produced for Arne Jacobsen.
The 1950s marks the zenith of the partnership. During time, Fritz Hansen and Arne Jacobsen developed the technology to produce his groundbreaking shell chairs in moulded plywood. The Ant from 1952 was the first of its kind, a chair with a seat and back made from a single sheet of moulded plywood. It was followed by Series 7, the Tongue, the Munkegaard chair, the T chair and the Lily. In the mid 1950s, Fritz Hansen acquired the licence to a production technology that made it possible to shape furniture freely in hard foam. Arne Jacobsen used this method to create organic furniture for the SAS Royal Hotel. The Egg and the Swan became hugely popular, and today they are recognized as iconic furniture designs, both in Denmark and around the world.